The closer one get's to their personal legend the more...
Intuition is really a sudden immersion of the soul
Each time he opened the book he learned something new, it was an unnecessary burden
We are afraid of losing what we have, our life stories...
Written by one hand
When you can't move back you can only worry about the best way to move forward
The Soul of the World, want something with all your heart
Everything on earth has a soul
The earth if alive and it has a soul
We are part of that soul
The desert and the caravan speak the same language
Language which all things communicate
Master Work
Can't you just observe men and omen's to understand the language
You have a mania for simplifying everything
The purification of the metals lead to the purification of them selves
Clean the crystal to clear your mind of negative thoughts
Name's of the people
Soul must be too primitive...
If you can always concentrate on the present you will be a happy man
Life will be a party for you
The world speaks many languages
Maybe God created the desert so that man could appreciate the date trees
God revealed his secret easily for all his
People get captures in pictures and words
Law of hospitality
Push forward impusively fail to see the Omen's
Don't try to enter into the life of the Oasis
Soul of the world surged within him
written by one hand
Creates a twin soul for everyone in the world
He knew what his love for her would allow him to discover all the treasure of the world
"Alah is on both sides"
because of that "I have become a part of you"
My present has arrived and it is you
I am a part of your dream, a part of your personal legend as you call it
If I am really part of your dream you will come back
I want my husband to wander as free as the wind that shapes the dines, and if I have to I will accept the fact that he has become the part
He tried to deal with the concept of love separate from possession
When you are in love things make more sense
Mirrage desires
The tribesmen lived only for the present because the present was only full of surprises
Why the camel driver was so interested in the future
So I can change things
Maybe I want to know the future so I can prepare for what is coming
If you know you will suffer twice
Men always live their lives un the future
Discover what has already been forgotten
It is not that I am reading the future I am guessing the future
The future belongs to God
The secret is here in the present, if you pay attention in the present you can improve on it
Each day with itself brings with its eternity
To die tomorrow is not worse than dying on any other day
Lived every one of his days of intensity
Die in pursuit of his personal legend
Soul of the world awaited him and he was
Everything has been written by the same hand
When something is written there is no way to change it
What is a stranger doing in a strange land
Courage is important in understanding the language of the world
You must love the desert but not trust it completely
It kills those who become distracted
You shouldn't be here, or is it your personal legend that brings you here
When a personal really desires something
Are you going to instruct me
It;s not what comes of mens mouth's that is evil it is what comes out of them
Wherever your hear is, that is where you will find your treasure
Life attracts life
Then the boy understood
A woman of the deserts knows
Love never stops a man from pursuing your own personal legend
Don't say anything love is love
I love you because the entire universe conspired
Before this I always looked at it with longing now I will look at it with hope
Don't think about what you have left behind
Everything is written in the soul of the world
Men dream of coming home rather than leaving
There is only one way to learn, it is through action
Everything you have learned you have learned through your journey
You only have to learn one thing more
Why are you called The Alchemist
What went wrong when other's tried to make gold
Men began to reject simple things
They began to feel they knew a better way
The emerald tablet is a direct passage to the soul of the world
The wise men understood that this natural world is only an image and a copy of paradise
The existence of this world is simply a guarentee that there exists is a world that is perfect
God created the world so that through visible objects man can understand his spiritual teachings and marvel's of his teachings
How do I imerse myself in the desert
“Listen to your heart. It knows all things, because it came from the Soul of the World, and it will one day return there.” – The Alchemist
His heart was never quiet
Why do we have to listen to our hearts
Because wherever is it will find your treasure
Your heart is alive, keep listening to what is has to say
My heart is a traitor, it does not want me to go on
It is afraid that you will lose what you got
If you know your heart well you will not have to deal with treason
People are afriad to pursue their most important dreams
Fear of suffering is worse than suffering itself
Every second of the search is an encounter with God
All people have God within them
Everyone on earth has a treasure that awaits him
We people's hearts because no body wants to go in search of them
Most people view the world as a threating place
Why don't people's hearts continoue to fallow their dreams
Heart's don't like to suffer
The boy asked his heart to never stop speaking to him
Every time the boy heard the alarm he would head his message
Before a dream is realized the soul of the world tests everything that was learned along the way
It does this not because it is eveil it is so that we can master our lessons as we moved towards out dream
It is at that point most people give up
People die of thirst when the palm tree's are on the horizon
Every search begins with beginner's luck
It finishes with people being severely tested
Life simple lesson
When you possess great treasures within and you try and tell others about them seldom you are believed
The boy and his heart had become friends
Does a man's heart always help them
They do help children, drunkards, and the elderly
The Heart does what it can
The Force Example
Your eye's show the strength of your soul
Everything in the universe evolved
Men have never understood of wise
There are many languages of many things
When something evolves everything evolves around them too
Anyone who interfere's with the personal legend of another thing never discoveres his own
The sea has lived on in this shell because that is its personal legend
What is an alchemist?
If he wanted he could destroy this came he could do so with the wind
They despise cowards
The desert only moments ago was endless and free and now they have
It is not often that money saves a man's life
If a person is living out their perosnal legend, he know's everything he needs to know. THere is only one thing that makes a thing impossible to achienve, the fear of failure.
Usually the threat of death makes people much more aware of their lives.
Death doesn't change anything.
You could have died later on, you could have died after peace had been achieved, but he would have still died said a soilder
The world is only the visible aspect of god, and that what alchemy does is to bring spiritual perfection into contact with the material plane.
What is love. Love is the falcon's flight over your
When you are loved, there is no need to understand what is happening inside of you
You are wise because you observe things from a distance
This is why alchemy exists*
That's what alchemists do
Love is the force that transofrms and improves the soul of the world.
When we love we always strive to become better than we are
Desert, the wind and the sun were all trying to follow
Only the hand could perform maracle's
Only it is the hand .....
The boy reached through the soul of the world and saw that it was in part of the sould of God. And he saw that the soul of God was his own Soul and that he a Boy could perform Maricles.
I only invoked what you already knew
This is my personal legend not yours.
Everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time
I want to tell you a story about dreams
In ancient Roam
"My lord I am not worth that you should come under my roof, only speak a world and my servant will be healed."
Every person on earth plays a central role in the history of the world and normally he doesn't know it
Where your treasure is will also be your heart
Be aware of the place where you are brought to tears
Love would never keep a man from his personal legend
No project is not completed until its objective has been completed
The path was written in the Omen's
If I had told you you wouldn't have seen the pyramids
Life is really is generous to those who pursue his personal legends
Those gypsies are really smart
What is the purpose of all these background characters