Tulpa Manager
- What is a Egregore?
- What is an Egregore Manager?
- What tulpas or egregores do I want to engage with in my mind?
- How do I want to engage with these egregores?
- How do I want to be prompted?
- Why do I not follow through on my prompts?
- What is the difference between an exploratory question and a exploitable question?
- What are some exploitable questions?
- Question Engine - QE
- ETL to QE, Update 48, Attempting to Consciously Make a Plan
- ETL to QE, Update 26, Observe and Orient
- ETL to QE, Update 26, Observe and Orient
- ETL to QE Update 38, I suck at making decisions and committing to them
- CGFS Schema - Persona
- DDaemon Master Plan
- Dentropy Daemon Listicle
- Dentropy Daemon Listicle