Inter Planetary Linked Data
Backlog - Research
go install github.com/peergos/ipfs-nucleus@main
- GPN19 - Foundations for Decentralization: Data with IPLD - YouTube
- File are just a graph
- Git is just a blob store
- Link by hash should be first class
- Immutable Links are a good primitive
- Formats shouldn't matter
- Protocols need Sachems, data description tools
- Building a git
- CID - Content Identity
- You can replace JSON in API's with IPLD
- There is a query language like GraphQL
- Advanced Layouts?
- ResNetLab: Elective Course Module - InterPlanetary Linked Data (IPLD) - YouTube
- Building the next git should take hours and not days
- Immutability
- DeDuplication
- Content Addressing
- IPLD is extracted from IPFS
- IPFS is a block store for IPLD
- Merkle DAGs
- Markle DAGs only link forward not backward
- Git, everything in git is blob hashed
- Markle DAG verse Merkle Tree
- You can add metadata within the Markle Tree/DAG
- Connecting Graphs
- Autonomy of a CID
- multiformats.io
- CBOR and JSON have no formal way to link data
- IPLD uses DAG-PB
- Beyond File Data:
- IPLD Datamodel, basically JSON with bytes and link
- Basically what I did for Holium
- Filecoin uses DAG-CBOR
- Bluesky and IPLD - Jay Graber - YouTube
- Why
- Scaling Moderation
- Algorithmic Choice
- Curation Health, not Social Delema
- New Tech allows Decentralization
- Distribute power
- Jay Graber on X: "I wrote an ecosystem review of decentralized social protocols to help inform early @bluesky discussions, published today. Reach out if you have feedback or want to discuss!" / X
- Federated verses p2p erses Blockchain
- Bluesk run on AT Protocol
- Why
- (3) Raúl Kripalani on X: "It rests on a number tech choices made throughout Filecoin’s history to keep the protocol modular, future-proof and extensible, e.g. multi-addressing, IPLD. https://t.co/dIpFCdXwz6" / X
- (3) Ceramic on X: "Interested in learning about how Ceramic uses a timestamp service (e.g ETH) to anchor events in time and produce mutable, consistent streams of IPLD data? ⚓️⚡️ Check out our senior research engineer, @AaronDGoldman, diving in here: https://t.co/EuXjrvSLVR" / X
- (3) Fission (@FISSIONcodes) / X
- IPFS IPLD CID Tutorial
- IPFS IPLD CID Tutorial
- Fission Software
- Webnative SDK
- Research Decentralized Storage
- ETL to QE, Update 42, LevelDB Mediocre Pivot Time
- ETL to QE, Update 34, Failed CGFS Experiments
- ETL to QE, Update 28, Separation of Concerns
- ETL to QE, Update 23, Designing and Checking my Premises
- ETL to QE, Update 23, Designing and Checking my Premises
- DDaemon - Thoughts
- DDaemon - Thoughts
- DDaemon - Tech Breakdown
- DDaemon - Tech Breakdown
- DDaemon - Tech Breakdown