Epic User Journeys
Logs - Develop User Journeys
- Nostr Data, Personal Data, Knowledge Graph, Conversation, Esoteric Knowledge
- Write a user journeys for people besides myself
Meme Digestion into Quest Assignment
- What is the first thing someone should do on Question Engine?
- What is the second thing someone should do on Question Engine?
- What is the third thing someone should do on Question Engine?
What is the fourth thing someone should do on Question Engine?
Reminder: We should ask for a summary of events or media from people and compare them
To Sort
- tiddlywiki storage provider backed by CGFS content addressable storage nostr events
- Keybase Signature Tree GUI for signature graph's of an individuals tokens
- Micro transaction competitions to answer questions I find interesting
- A place to have context aware conversations with my friends
- A file format or schema to compile all my personal data to
- Crowd Source research into existing grants Zero Knowledge Style
- LifeLog User Journeys + Research, Pixela Official (@pixela_bird) / X
- Where can I go to get a simple quest?
User Journeys Sorted
- QE Demo for Friends at Get Together
- Use tokenomics to signal meaningful conversations
- Game Theory for effective debating and sense making, basically a token model for communities
- Publishing PKMS on Question Engine User Journey
- Fuck You Start a Blog
- You have to comment
- Control who sees Medium articles, black list them, white list some
- PKMS Import and Export
- Tagged Bookmark Manager
- I want an epic way to explain complex concepts to different audiences such as public private key signatures, I want every explanation on the internet referenced in a single system linked to outside context
- ActivityWatch Binding
- Community Meme Context Generation User Journey
- Questioning Tulpa's User Journey
- Community (DAO) Interrogation User Journey
- Decision Sieve User Journey
- Web Browsing with Competitive Context User Journey
- Annotate the Munk Debate User Journey
- Review Tutorials and Documentation User Journey
- The Day in the Life of a Daemon User
- Token Gate Discord Analytics Dashboard
- QE Demo for Friends at Get Together
- Query my close friends and family for a good coffee maker they have bought
- Load Discord Data into CGFS then into a Cypher or SQL database
- QE Clients can cache Nostr Events using DAG-JSON
- It is like 4chan except you can reveal who you are to separate people.
- New regime dish out access to NSA to members of "The Guild" that can then assist nation states and corporations.
- Friend spams you with messages, they need a limited supply token that recharges they can use to signal what is important
- AWS Mechanical Turk
- Messages should be modular and fit into multiple group chats
- What can Saloon/QE do that alt accounts on twitter can't
- Back up your favorite accounts
- VPN Connection Metadata Manager to replace all those dam VPN client apps
- I need to be backing up all the tweets I see
- Yo guys shower thought, we need to hook up yolo image tagging software with knowledge graph data
- Tinder Style Swiping of AI descriptions of Accounts
- Nostr NIP to validate that user actually saw message, sorta like a reaction or read recite, but like imaging putting 20 bucks to get someone to read a message, they need to sign something saying they read it
Unsorted User Stories
As someone who just discovered my friend has a unique music taste, I want to have access to music they have curated, without having to ask them.
Existing User Journeys
- LLM User Journeys
- DDaemon Queries for Apps
- DDaemon - Thoughts
- Question Engine QE User Journeys
- DDaemon Apps Map
- DDaemon Queries for Apps
- Tulpas
- Rate between 1 and 12 on multiple dimensions
- User Journeys
- Rate between 1 and 12 on multiple dimensions
- Brainstorming Sets
- Communities
- Rate between 1 and 12 on multiple dimensions
- Files
- Questions
- Memes / Think Raindrop Bookmarks
- Quests / Tasks
Types of apps I want SQL data structure for
- Scheduling
- Recipe
- Contact list
- Inventory management
- Employee
- Customer relationship management
- Wordpress
- Content management system
- Ollama web gui
- Hierarchy of User Journeys
- What do I demo for Bryan Peters
- Who do I research before hand
- I need to crowd source DDaemon Queries for Apps
- WestWorld IRL Data structure
- Review Portfolio Sites
User Stories
We gotta use the daemon to produce a bunch of responses to someone on social media then have another personality or prompt judge them
As a individual who is lost, I want a tool to help me find a community I belong in, so that I can make lifelong friendships
Write about how people don't want to be the protagonist in their own life, like that episode of Darker than Black when the rich lady needs to have someone of power live through her. People do the same in romanetic relationships, in the corporate world, and even in stuff as simple as group projects.
Remember user journey of everything in life on a timeline like music
User journey for clustering vectors, even calculating a vector for a series of embeddings
The lifestyles of people will have to be designed by a new type of aristocrat, remember my new religion
I need to focus on writing grants, bro that is where QE comes in
Rather than only fans only quests Danny said that that sounds like something the ancient Greeks would use
Each of the tech I posted about in the ddaemon tech stack needs user stories and user journeys
Make sure you have tied your shoes before you do your startup, or the laces will fray with technical debt
What would it take me to respond to every tweet I read, well the good ones I usually like or bookmark at least, I need to describe the prompts that get me to run that persona
As someone who enjoys dinner parties, I want to make friends with people who host dinner parties, so I can go to more dinner parties
As someone who engages in group chats I want to go back and privately annotate what we were talking about
As someone who bookmarks too ich shit I want to share my tagged bookmarks with others so I know what links are actually useful
As someone who tags all their bookmarks I want to be able to share all bookmarks with a specific tag with my friends sorted using an integer value
If you keep talking about a tool to think through come up with all the thinking you want to do as user stories and journeys
Make a list of engagement places, list where you are engaging, then list ways to engage decision sieve style
This is what Question Engine is all about. Training Suits to be tech bros.
Feature User Journeys
- Context Graph File System Ingestion
- Context Graph File System Features
User Groups
- Questions for User Groups
- Where can I go lurk the internet to find more User Groups?
- Ask yourself What user groups do I belong in?
- Ask yourself Who do I want to talk to?
- Ask yourself What user groups do my friends belong in?
- Edgelord
- Discord Moderator
- Infotainment Consumer
- Community Organizer
- Shitposter
- Project Manager User Group
- Crypto Enthusiast
- PKMS Enthusiast
- Quantified Self Enthusiast
- Wannabe Y Combinator Startup Bro
- Startup Founder
- Learn to Code User Type
- Teach Coding User Type
- Cooking Enthusiast
- Archetypal Narratives
- Parent User Group
- Music Enthusiast
- Goes to Clubs
- Board Game Enthusiast
- Goes to Tech Meetups
- Book Enthusiast
- Video Game Enthusiast
- Fandom Enthusiast
- Professional Sports Enthusiast
- Playing Sports Enthusiast
- Fitness Enthusiast
- Health + Diet Enthusiast
- Finance Bro or Stock Trading Enthusiast
- History Buff
- Archivist
- Conspiracy Buff
- Marketer
- Visually Impaired
- Hearing Impaired
- Collage Student
- High School Student
Lists of User Journeys
Lists of User Stories
- DDaemon User Stories
- DDaemon Queries for Apps
- Discord Binding User Stories
- Stories from Daemon by Daniel Suarez
- Question Engine User Stories
User Journey Quests
- What is the user journey?
- Backlog - User Stories and Journeys
- User Journey Documentation for Discord Binding
- ETL to QE, Update 39, My Two Root Problems are not good enough
- ETL to QE, Update 48, Attempting to Consciously Make a Plan
- ETL to QE, Update 42, LevelDB Mediocre Pivot Time
- ETL to QE, Update 35, Epic User Journeys
- ETL to QE, Update 32, Defining a short term vision
- ETL to QE, Update 28, Separation of Concerns
- ETL to QE, Update 24, Roadmap Revisited with Memes
- ETL to QE, Update 23, Designing and Checking my Premises
- ETL to QE, Update 22, Tutorial Your Way To Victory
- ETL to QE, Update 22, Tutorial Your Way To Victory
- ETL to QE Update 38, I suck at making decisions and committing to them
- Dentropy Daemon - Home
- DDaemon Master Plan
- Holium User Stories