Wormhole Blockchain Bridge
- wormhole/solana/bridge/program/src/instructions.rs at main · wormhole-foundation/wormhole · GitHub
- example-token-bridge-relayer/sui at d9d17254dae48c985fe6b58e2987e2135d1e8c65 · wormhole-foundation/example-token-bridge-relayer
- How does wormhole bridge prove transactions
- The Wormhole Deep Dive — Connecting the blockchain countries via Bridges
- Looks like transactions for Wormhole are verified by a white list of Guardians that produce a VAA signature
- I guess the people just trust the Guardians to relay messages?
- example-token-bridge-relayer/sui/ts/scripts/transfer_tokens_with_relay.ts at d9d17254dae48c985fe6b58e2987e2135d1e8c65 · wormhole-foundation/example-token-bridge-relayer
- Here we see the transaction getting signed, but what relay is it using
- There is no RPC interface
- example-token-bridge-relayer/DESIGN.md at main · wormhole-foundation/example-token-bridge-relayer
- This could not make it more clear in terms of how Guardians work
- VAA - Verified Action Approvals
- VAAs | Wormhole Docs
- Yup they just accept a bunch of proofs
- But if the proof was generated from first principals verified by Solana Validators we would not need to worry about signature validations
- Where in the Wormhole smart contract is the Guardian validation?
- The solidity contracts have a IWormhole.sol interface they seem to get this information from
EVM vs Solana Comparison
- Token Bridge Relayer
- Solana - example-token-bridge-relayer/solana/programs/token_bridge_relayer/src/message.rs at d9d17254dae48c985fe6b58e2987e2135d1e8c65 · wormhole-foundation/example-token-bridge-relayer
- EVM example-token-bridge-relayer/evm/src/token-bridge-relayer/TokenBridgeRelayer.sol at d9d17254dae48c985fe6b58e2987e2135d1e8c65 · wormhole-foundation/example-token-bridge-relayer