ETL to QE, Update 19, Greatness is Other People
Date: 2024-01-02
Upgrade for dentropys-obsidian-publisher
I rewrote my Obsidian Publishing tool to support sqlite as its native storage system, include back links in all documents, and setup analytics using Plausible. My blog is nice but none of these features really mean anything without a overarching goal.
The problem I am trying to solve is how how to produce composable context. I want any piece of data to be able to reference any other piece of data. Then I want to go about adding context to everything with my friends and family.
I have implicitly been planning to merge Question Engine - QE, dentropys-obsidian-publisher, and the Discord Binding into a single framework. I want shareable ontology schema's to overlay all this data.
I am starting to think that I can represent every note in my PKMS as a CID. In regard to my Discord Binding I can have the raw_markdown as a CID, the rendered markdown as a CID, and even have a CID for each UUID and my site_url to be used as a root note for each document. dentropys-obsidian-publisher should output a DAG.
The Blockchain Audacity Problem
Blockchain knowledge is useless in isolation. I like to think Blockchain is a game theory solution to the double spend problem. The core of Game Theory is the modeling the behavior of multiple people. I am not coordinating anybody besides myself. This needs to change.
I am not following a Design Process
I always think to myself how I want someone to tell me what to do, a scapegoat to escape personal responsibility. I have my list of Design Document's and Design Heuristics I just need to make commitment to follow one.
I am not doing any research
I often forget the most important part of designing a product is properly understanding the problem. I remember long ago working on VITT (Visual Information Through Touch) I started reading published papers and didn't process the information effectively because I got overwhelmed, plus I was not asking the right questions.
I am having a very hard time reaching out to community managers to interview them for my Discord Binding project. Yet again, it should be as simple as just sending a DM. I need to actually engage with others. Maybe if I had a proper document explaining everything I am trying to do I can send to people things would be better.
I keep using this phrase, commoditize context, yet I do not even have a definition of context. I can't give an example of a context commodity. I don't actively produce any context. I do not properly digest my memes. I have not properly articulated What do I want?
DDaemon Apps and User Journeys
I do not have any compelling user journeys.
I recently rediscovered my DDaemon Queries for Apps document and started adding to it. I realized that my queries can be sorted into datasets like with my Discord Binding except rather than raw discord data one can have a PKMS, relationship, publishing, or Tulpa/Relationship/CRM app.
As mentioned above in my section on Blockchain Audacity Problem
I need to be working with other people otherwise what is the point. Well I have all these phrases I like to repeat maybe I just need to expand on them then get other people to comment.
- Commoditize Context
- Mimetic Supply Chain / Meme Map
- Psyop Interrogation Software Guild
- Recompile the internet with context, meaning, and awareness
- Use algorithms to enhance human agency while building infrastructure cypherpunks would admire
- I want to produce a DAO intelligence network in order to prototype the Daemon
- I want to find the prime movers of DAO's and ask them to fill out a Catechism
Well it looks like I have articulated what I want now it is a matter of using my Discord Binding to find people with similar wants.
Map of What?
I keep telling myself that I am trying to create a map of DAO's. What I want to do is map a layer of intent on top of each discord message. I imagine a vector attached to each individual describing their desires. People can have a velocity, the rate they meet other people, and hopefully coordinate follows in their wake.
What if I take a View from Above and try labeling myself the way I would go about labeling other people. Well first I must go about labeling other people, I need an ontology, set of traits and questions, I want to have mapped out for everyone I care about. Beyond that I need to understand What are the features on this map? That should help me answer How do I want to shape the world?