Spiral Dynamics
Apple Notes
Spiral Dynamics What psychological languages do humans speak?
Who is Tom Peters consultant?
What is the thesis of future shock?
Why do these changes occur, what causes new social waves to form?
Spirals exist from the subatomic level to the interstellar realms
Each time we experience the New Times, New thinking sequence, a controversial if not altogether revolutionary view of human nature evolves.
Who is Clare W. Graves
What is Clare W. Graves point of view? P. 29
- Thing's don't really happen in cycles but rather spirals, spirals are more like walking up a spiral stair case, sure you may be on the same latitude and longitude as when you started but the hight is different and there is no going back
- Meme's have an API surface
- Clare W. Graces
- Human nature is not static, nor is it finite. Human nature changes a the conditions of existence change, this forging new systems. Yet the older systems stay with us
- When a new system or level is activated, we change our psychology and rules for living to adapt to those conditions
- We live in a potentially open system of values with an infinite number of modes of living available to us. There is no final state to which we must all aspire
- An individual, a company, or an entire society can respond positively only to those managerial principals, motivational appeals, educational formulas, and legal or ethical codes that are appropriate to the current level of human existence
- "Meme's develop minds of their own"
- "Often meme's become malignant, lacking the internal regulation systems to tell them to stop growing"
- "Meme's determine how people think or make decisions in contrast to what they believe or value"
- "Each meme has a dimmer switch to allow it to turn up or down as it receives instructions from its own 'DNA' or signals from changes Life Conditions"
- "New Times, New Thinking"
- Each major societal upheaval has spawned a different view of life itself, Why are we here?, What is our Nature?, What is our ultimate destination?
- MEMEs appear to behave in networks or assemblages
- Principals
- Humans possess the capacity to create new MEMEs
- Life conditions awaken MEMEs which may emerge, surge, regress, or fade in response
- MEMEs zig-zag between express-self and Sacrifice-self themes
- MEMEs emerge along the Spiral in a wave-like fashion
- MEMEs spiral up and down through levels of complexity
- Meme's coexist within our 'onion'-like profiles
- MEMEs are types of thinking not types of people
- Many of today's young people are in distress because they can see the enormity of our existence problems but have nota clue as to the solutions which life, of course, along the Spiral
- MENEs cluster in Tiers of Six along the Spiral
- What os OAC
- What is the Lucifer Principal?
- What is the Humpty Dumpty Effect?
- Why do the people we've interviewed have interviewed have different answer to, "What is the meaning of life?" and why did some change their conceptions after 10 year, yet others remain basically the same?
- What is the difference between a law, code, and principal?